to reminisce with my old friends....
Garden tour after my vacation showed new life and some life lost.
Suppose that is how it is in this garden called life.
Several of the delphinium made it
My nasturtium were a bit sad upon my return.
The heat was a bit hard on them.
They are also seeding however the energy is extended to the seed this time of year.
These will adorn the west wall next season I think.
i have a good half cup of seed saved so far.
Although it looks as if the giant sunflowers did not make it through the absence this little fellow did. It is always the self planted ones who make it. They just know where they want to be.
The bird seed bushes are beginning to seed. The perfect flow of this is so divine. For the heat here is rising so fast that soon the birds will not have me so amenable to going out to fill the feeders for them. These seed in the heat of early summer. So cool how it takes care for itself.
The mystery bush is rising in height.
I am so looking forward to seeing the flowers it shows.
It is so cool how He planted him right there for me.
The plant I purchased and stuck in the earth was not happy there and eventually gave up the ghost.
The Mature old Iron wood is in full pollination...
Very messy!
It is this time of year that a love hate relationship begins with my old tree.
I love it and hate the mess.
Actually it is rather pretty, but it does cause issues.
The nicest one on the block.
Gardening lesson one million two
Trellis first then seed!
Never plant tomatoes, beans or anything climbing unless you do the trellis first.
Do not listen to any other advice of "oh we will do it later"...
Do it first!
Into the vegetable garden...
The garden gate needed a fix for the wire that hold this handle had to be re-twisted.
I love beads...
I love beads...
I added some ground up egg shell to the old "Black Russian" tomato.
He has come back strong with a few buds.
This heirloom purple bush bean gave it's first fruits upon my return.
This a happy reunion.
They turn green when cooked.
Due to a lack of nitrogen the cabbage failed.
but the chickens are eating it up and I will save some of the seed heads to try again.
Trying over and over is a good souls strong hold.
It is in the giving up that the battle is lost.
The onions stand proud and tall.
I am so impressed by them.
I do have one or two of the cabbage that has showed promise of a head in the next few months.
I want to learn more about companion gardening.
Not the doing of it with a buddy so much...:}
It is the planting certain things together that are good supports to each other.
We all need good support.
These are the "blue Lake" green pole/vine green beans.
They too showed them self upon my return.
Amazing changes can happen in only 4 days.
A garden is a living thing, it will take on life, defend itself from it or be succumbed by it.
Moon and stars are happy.
I have some maintenance to review and perform about the pinching off of buds and such.
I have to find out the processes.
The back lettuce is not waiting to be noticed.
Hello! It is time for a good salad.
Menus need to be scheduled around here.
He had several leaves snipped over the weeks to enjoy on lunch sandwiches.
Now he wants to give a full salad.
I read that cutting off at the base will give new life and that it will begin again.
It will be interesting to see if it works.
Gee, I envy your green thumb! I see you work hard at it. I love plants, but am poor at growing them.....