Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The plants before you are gifts from the soil. The soil was hauled in from a garden that shut down. The tomato was so happy here that they came of their own accord. Best way to grow a plant I think. 

 The tomato plants yielded the first pretty little red tomato yesterday. In fact there were just enough for each of us to have two on our supper plate. The round ones are deep within the foliage.
 These are little golden tear drops.
Very pretty in salads.

 Looking close at the leaves you can see the white has heat damage on leaves. We had high heat fluctuation over the last week or so. The yellow/dark green variegation of leaf is a soil deficiency that called for some Epsom Salt sprinkled on the soil. Avoid the leaves getting wet during heat wave.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I am still trying to keep my tomatoes from rotting with all the rain.... What a garden,, Miss talking to you girl.... Sorry that i missed your call the other day.. I need to stop and slow down and give you a call.... Hope you are well......


Someone bless these seeds I sow...