Here in this heat the strawberries are wishing to take a cruse...
poor things... It just swelters at 111* dry heat.
Thank God it is not a humid heat for me but the plants dry fast!
Poor little purple beans have played so hard they just done wore them selves out.
That sun is just a torture until way late in the afternoon.
It is around 3:30 here in this image
The green beens have not been impressive this year. Nest year I will order an inoculant for they just did not thrive this year.
Pulled a handful of small carrots. These troubadours are still fighting the good fight in this heat!
They are not suppose to do well in the heat?
The guest squash is bearing two large butternut.
I still have a little left of the first one!
That is the cabbage beside it.
This year I tried something different to help with watering needs. When I put out the squash plants first I dug a hole a bit deeper than a 1 gallon potting pot. The kind of pot you get from the nursery with plants in with holes at the bottom side. Make the planting hole about 2 feet wide. Place the pot in the middle empty. Fill the area around it with compost.Then soil to soil level. Keep the planter bare. Fill in the rest of the soil so that the lip of the pot is just above the soil about 2" or so. Plant your plants around it say 9" or so from it in a circle {3 plants per pot. Now when you or your soaker hose waters fill the empty pot with water too and those thirsty squash {or other plants you plant like this} can have the extra water they need. After the plants get bigger add compost to the pot and when you wanter the compost will add a bit of nurtients to the plants too. I found this in the magazine Grow. I found a site that tells you how to make watering containers from clay pots too and when I am sure of the site I will come and tell you of it too. Maybe if you put a sauce from a pot or such over the 1 gallon it will help it not dry out too? My squash have grown over it and thus shade it. This is the best year I have had for them...they never wilt and we have HOT weather too. I found you from Down to Earth comments. Jody If you have any questions on what I said I will check back here when I post the other blog and answer. ok?
ReplyDeleteaww chickens! I sort of miss mine. Thank you for your visit