I told my husband all about the fall garden plans that it is coming upon us to plant in two weeks some of the first crop
We stepped outside donned with our t shirts and work shoes.
My darling mowed and edged the extension while I raked the back four foot section of our existing plot to be ready to turn and amend.
He removed the straw bails over to the compost area and then the big pot out of the garden. Poor guy lost a dolly wheel in process that pot was just to much for the tired tire. I pulled the last of the squash and then raked out the bean patch of last season. Here it is July 15th and Aug 1 st that the planting begins. So I sow. Or at least get ready too.
These are those block we got for FREE!
We set out the layout to see what we had. Some alterations to the left bed...four foot is just too deep. So we gave the south bed another foot and backed the east bed up a foot. I need to kill the grass. You can see that I did this before but after careful consideration realized mowing would be a hassle and a lot of extra labor.
We have a few more block yet to move but the children needed tending and the lightning was coming closer so more another day...
It was also getting dark and out guest chose to go home so we drove her to her mom. It was a nice play date not even on eruption.
New and revised the planting dates for Phoenix is different than most all other places so note the date marks by
Clicking on the image to enlarge.
I will add more detail as I go along.
Next up need to call on some horse dung for the beds and get some top soil for the mix. Then the compost and amendments according to the Nitrogen content desired. Time to make earth :) The elements will be concocted like a good soup.
My seed list will be consulted and the list to shop for will be made up.
Time to get ready for the rains are coming
I was able to fine a detailed mock up of the water tank hook up.
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Someone bless these seeds I sow...