Hand Wand...guards against blasting the plants...long handle not to much force...
Watering can...Basic tool plastic is light weight. Water suluable plant food. Applicator to sprinkle.
Soaked Hose, 50 ft. 5/8 diameter. Can be covered over with mulch. Conserves water and prevents plant death by that drying out between watering.
Hose get a good connector, they can be repaired . Old hoses are great for staking plants. Look for a hose that does not kink up too easily.
Protect from cold...Check how cold hardy your plants are for your zone. Cover all the way to the ground to make radiant heat, not just a bonnet.
Using Covers to Protect a Garden. All the way to the ground use old towels, sheets. Tomato, peppers, egg plants hate cold! Flowers. Keeps frost off.
Using Light Bulbs in Garden...under the covers keeps it 3-4 degrees higher for your favorite plant.
Gloves: Rubber helps keep safe from chemical/fertilizers Keep your skin away form the products. Oils peppers in the sprays... Cloth...Protect from sharp things in the soil. Peat moss Gripped rubber tips (best of both) out perform leather, great to have while using shovels and other tools.
Hydretain for water retention
Stakes...bamboo, cypress tie to the stake and the plant, trees fruiting trees...2-3 feet into soil. Do not use wire to tie use a soft yarn or velcro type tie.
Bow Saws to cut large tree limbs 3-4 inch limb, great for citris trees.
Hand Saw 7" cutting area, sharp and easy to work with, folds up. Cut off dead wood before it dies back further.
Hand Clippers used most to cut out dead mattereal, cutoff dead mattereals on tomato fast. Not a smushed type edge. Get the kind like scissors. Cut back to the green and alive part. Do not leave the dead at all.
Hand Sprayer to apply Pesticide/ fugiside or organic neem oils, bactcilus (good bacteria), pepper oils. Mark each sprayer or Wash it at least three times. Mark them if they are used for poision never store chemicals in it for it will gum up your sprayer. Sudsy Amoinia to wash it out well.
Hand Spread...for seeding lawn, light covering of fertalizer. Holds around 5 pounds at a time. Good for small areas. Orgainic based for garden.
Garden Trowels...good quality and stron so they do not need to be replaced, nice if it has a
hadle. some have a depth finders. GOOD TOOLS!
Hand cultivators...Three prongs to work arond the beds , use to pull out weeds by torcue...Loosen up the soil for good oxigynation and water.
Large (poney) shovel...Fibergass handle is nice, strong and sharp use a file to sharpen the edges. A rubbery handl is nice.
Knee matts...easyier on knees,back and getting down and up.
Rakes...clear out leaves, small hand rake that can also attatch to long handle...(in my dreams)
Hoe...Basic flat blade and a fork on the other side. Weeds cultivator...loosen soil.
Large Metal Rakes...must have. Keep the metal painted every few years. gathering leaves For petmoss and such.
Hanging Baskets ...for ease of harvest and to raise the aspects to eye level.
A Year at the Farm In Photos
11 years ago
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Someone bless these seeds I sow...