Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer ....time for garden planing for fall

The beans are winding down

Squash are amazingly alive!
unheard of
these the squash that grew by itself
One more on the vine


The arbor is white in the far back ground
His folks gave it to us.
6' tall and 8' span grapes in the fall.
We have the block now
We still need a few more large block for the water tank
for free

Today we were fortunate to find all of this steel fencing for only

there is enough to do the job
we will just need a gate

this is just what I dreamed of
We looked at this fencing last fall it was at least $50. a section!


  1. Oh girl 116........ do you have humidity there or is it dry? I do not think that I could deal with that heat and humidity........ My tomatoes and cucumbers are gone... they just could not live in the 106 and 107.... Cannot imagine 116.....

    Hugs girl and stay cool.......

  2. Great buy on the fencing! Love it!
    Have a terrific weekend! :)


Someone bless these seeds I sow...